Watch! 75% wage subsidies, $40,000 interest free loans, GST/HST extensions per PM.

COVID-19 – PM’s update (March 27, 2020)

  • Temporary Wage Subsidy of 75% introduced;

  • Up to $40,000 government guaranteed interest-free loans from the banks to be offered. In some cases, up to the first $10,000 will be forgiven; and

  • GST/HST payment deadlines extended.

Details on the above measures were not available. We hope further information will be released Monday March 30.

Finance Minister will speak at 1pm Eastern time. We will release comments shortly thereafter.

News Article: Trudeau announces major wage subsidy hike for small business

Finance Backgrounder

Prime Minister’s Announcement

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Watch! Payroll Subsidy, Tax Deferral, Loans (COVID-19 – Video #8)

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Recorded March 27, 2020