On February 27, 2017, a CPA Canada blog (FAQs: T-slip turnaround for auto-fill my return) address how quickly T-slips filed with CRA are reflected in the My Account, Represent a Client, and auto-fill my return services, with the following information provided:
- With 95% of slips being filed electronically, most slips are processed within 48 hours of receipt. Processing delays can occur for quality reasons, such as invalid account numbers, duplicate slips, and other errors.
- Paper-filed slips, less than 5%, have a general standard of 90 days to process. CRA prioritizes slips which have the greatest impact, such as T3, T4 and T5 slips.
- Amended slips vary in processing times. Electronically filed amended T3 and T5 slips are usually processed within 48 hours. The service standard for amended T4 slips filed electronically is 60 days. No standard was provided for paper-filed amended slips.
For further information see Video Tax News Monthly Tax Update Newsletter, Issue No. 428