FAQ - Waived EI Waiting Period

On January 30th, 2021 the FAQ related to transitioning to EI was updated to provide information about the removal of the one week waiting period.

The following Q & As were added:

  • What is the EI waiting period and why is it being waived?

  • How do I know if I am eligible to have my waiting period waived?

  • Will this change my entitlement to EI benefits or when I receive them?

  • Will this affect my employer-provided supplemental benefit plan?

  • Why is this change being implemented now?

Full responses:

What is the EI waiting period and why is it being waived?

When you make a claim for EI benefits, there is normally a one-week period for which you are not paid. This is called the waiting period. It is like the deductible for other types of insurance.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continues to have an impact on labour markets, with many people out of work and requiring access to EI, in some case due to public health measures. Temporarily waiving the waiting period will enable individuals to be paid for the first week of unemployment, and enhance income support to Canadians at this time.

How do I know if I am eligible to have my waiting period waived?

Every person who establishes an initial claim for EI benefits between January 31, 2021 and September 25, 2021 will have their one-week waiting period waived. The waiving of the waiting period will apply to all EI benefits.

You do not need to do anything to ensure that your waiting period is waived. It will be waived automatically when your claim is processed.

Will this change my entitlement to EI benefits or when I receive them?


Waiving the waiting period will not affect the maximum number of weeks of EI benefits that you may receive. This measure will also not change the timelines to process your claim or receive your first payment.

Will this affect my employer-provided supplemental benefit plan?


If your employer has a Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) plan to provide a top-up during periods of unemployment, Service Canada will ensure that this is taken into consideration when determining whether you should serve the waiting period.

If you have any questions, please contact Service Canada at 1-800-206-7218.

Why is this change being implemented now?

In recent weeks, Canada has experienced an increase in COVID-19 infections. The resulting imposition of public health measures is increasing financial pressure on workers. Waiving the waiting period will enable individuals to be paid for the first week of unemployment, and enhance income support to Canadians at this time. This change will apply to new EI claims established from January 31, 2021 until September 25, 2021.