CEWS application guide updated

On June 16, 2020, the CEWS application guide was updated to include new information on making elections under subsection 125.7(4), and making changes to prior claims.

Prior claim correction

Adjustments to a previously submitted claim can be made using CRA’s My Business Account. Authorized representatives for employers can request an adjustment using Represent a Client. If you applied using the Web Forms application and need to change your claim, you may call CRA’s business enquiries phone number.

To make an adjustment:

1.   Select “Canada emergency wage subsidy (CEWS)” under your payroll account number (RP) on the MyBA/RaC welcome page. If you have to adjust more than one payroll account number, you will need to do a separate adjustment for each payroll account number.

2.   Make sure you meet the conditions in the “Before you start” section to submit an adjustment.

3.   Choose which period you would like to adjust.

4.   Choose the option “Adjust a prior claim”.

5.   Select “Next” to display the details of the previous claim.

6.    Enter the new amount on each line that you want to adjust. Only include information that applies to the selected period.

Note: You must have an amended attestation form on file for any changes you submit.

Application Guide