2nd Brandable newsletter – COVID-19 Relief for Canadians

We have heard loud and clear that a 2nd brandable newsletter is needed!  We are pleased to make the following announcement.

A summarized, simplified, and practical listing of the COVID-19 Federal government support in brandable newsletter format will be available on April 8, 2020 (end of day).  If substantially complete information is received from the government earlier than expected, we will endeavor to deliver the document earlier.

It will cover and consolidate the plethora of available releases and information up to the end of the first week of April.  In addition to program summaries and listings,  announced application process details will be provided.  Take it, modify it as you choose, make it yours, and distribute to clients.
The purpose is to help your clients find clarity in this uncertain time.  It will answer as many of their questions as possible so that you don’t have to.  We aim to make it the most useful document that clients receive all year.

Here is the brandable newsletter that was published last week.
Cost: It’s your call!  Our goal is to support Canadian businesses, their owners, and workers as best as we can.  We love this country and will fight hard for it.  If you can’t afford it, it is FREE.  Don’t even think twice about it.  Pay it forward if possible.  If you can contribute, thank you!  We are a proud small Canadian business that would rather not rely on government resources so that others can.  Your contribution helps us do that.

We will continue to provide information and links on this website (https://www.videotax.com/covid19).  Please bookmark it and check back for updates and more video clips as changes occur.

Like many of you, we are facing an onslaught of challenges so are limited in the level of support we can provide on this item.  However, if there is a major issue or challenge, please contact us by email or phone 1-877-438-2057.

Thank you for all your support and, of course, the invaluable work that you do!

How does the brandable newsletter work?

Getting the material:

  • Subscribe to the newsletter here.

  • By April 8, 2020 (end of day), the newsletter will be posted on our online portal.  Subscribers will be notified by email with details on accessing the material.

  • The newsletter will be provided in both PDF and WORD formats. 

Using the material:

  • Option 1: Use the word file to add your letterhead.  Feel free to adjust the content as required.  Make sure to convert the file to a PDF before distributing to your clients.

  • Option 2: Copy and paste the content (all or excerpts) and reformat for your website, blog, email, branded newsletter, etc.

  • Please note: The disclaimer on the last page must be included in all distribution.

Very important: Ensure the newsletter is NOT sent in the WORD format.  Please convert to PDF or add as html on your website, blog, email.


  • The written newsletter may be duplicated and distributed with no requirement to include acknowledgment to Video Tax News.

  • Distribution can be via email, posting on your website, social media, snail mail, or however you connect with your clients.

  • Please ensure you complying with all Canadian Anti-Spam legislation and other legal requirements regarding distribution.