
Video Tax News' material is built collaborating with tax enthusiasts across Canada.

Thank you to the following contributors for their knowledge and support.


Michael Abramczuk CPA, CGA, CFA, Tax Van Inc., Oshawa, ON

Amir Banihashemi, CIBC, Toronto, ON

Dean Blachford, Blachford Tax Law, Ottawa, ON | Dean’s Tax Tips

Fabio Bonanno CPA, CA, CPA Canada, Toronto, ON

Doris Bonora TEP, KC, KPMG Law LLP, Edmonton, AB | Doris’s Tax Tips

Christine Brunsden TEP, CEA, EPC, MFA-P, Trusted Legacy Consulting, Burlington, ON | Christine’s Tax Tips

Gary H. Clark CLU, TEP, Clark Insurance Advisory, Edmonton, AB

Mathew Desilets BCom, CPA, CA, Kingston Ross Pasnak, Edmonton, AB

H. Michael Dolson LL.B., McCarthy Tetrault, Toronto, ON | Mike’s Tax Tips

Amanda S.A. Doucette TEP, Stevenson Hood Thornton Beaubier LLP, Saskatoon, SK | Amanda’s Tax Tips

Dwayne Dueck BBA (Hons.), CPA, CA, Avanti CPA, Kamloops, BC

Tony Edgington CPA, CA, KBH Chartered Accountants, Edmonton, AB

Joe Figliomeni CPA, CA, TEP, Fazzari + Partners LLP, Vaughan, ON

Craig Floden ICD.D, Floden & Company, Edmonton, AB | Craig’s Tax Tips

Frank Flynn Taxpayer Relief Letters, Peterborough, ON, LinkedIn

William Fowlis KC, FCPA, FCA, TEP, FEA, Miller Thompson LLP, Calgary, AB | William’s Tax Tips

Adam Friedlan JD, LLM, Friedlan Law, Toronto, ON | Adam’s Tax Tips

John Fuller FCPA, FCA, TEP, FEA, Felesky Flynn LLP, Edmonton, AB | John’s Tax Tips

Cheryl Gibson KC, FCPA, FCA, OLY, Cheryl A. Gibson Professional Corporation, Edmonton, AB

Jamie Golombek FCPA, FCA, Financial Post Inc., Toronto, ON | Jamie’s Tax Tips

Paul K. Grower, Fillmore Riley LLP, Winnipeg, MB | Paul’s Tax Tips

Mark Halpern CFP, TEP, MFA-P, Inc., Markham, ON

Mike Harris, Dentons Canada LLP, Edmonton, AB

David Hearn, Scitax Advisory Partners LP, Toronto, ON

Brian K. Hlady CPA, CGA, Brian K. Hlady Professional Corporation, Ottawa, ON

Shelley J. Kamin, Ottawa Tax Lawyer, Ottawa, ON | Shelley’s Tax Tips

Balaji (Bal) Katlai PhD, CPA, CGA, Kreston GTA, Toronto, ON

Dorothy Kelt,, Nanaimo, BC

Jim Kibble BBA, CPA, CA, TEP, CEA, Ontario Estate Consulting Solutions Inc., Kitchener, ON

Timothy P. Kirby LL.B., Felesky Flynn LLP, Edmonton, AB | Timothy’s Tax Tips

Mike Kostrich CPA, CA, Michael Kostrich CPA Professional Corporation, Barrie, ON

Shabir Ladha CPA, CA, FEA, KBH Chartered Accountants, Edmonton, AB

Frank Lavitt KC Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP, Winnipeg, MB

Spencer Leakey CPA, CA, CPA (Illinois), Leakey and Lewicki Ltd., Nanaimo, BC

Cory G. Litzenberger CPA, CMA, CFP, C.Mgr, CGL Tax, Red Deer, AB

Colleen Ma J.D., Miller Thomson LLP, Calgary, AB

Bryan Machacek CPA, CA, EJD Machacek, Coaldale, AB

Anna Malazhavaya, Advotax Law, Toronto, ON

Neil T. Mather LL.B.,  EY Law LLP, Edmonton, AB

Carman R. McNary K.C., ICD.D., LLD (Hon), Dentons Canada LLP, Edmonton, AB

Steve Meldrum CFP, CLU, FEA, TEP, Swell Private Wealth, Medicine Hat, AB

John Oakey CPA, CA, TEP, CC, CPA Canada, Dartmouth, NS

Dana Rittenhouse TEP, Kingston Ross Pasnak LLP, Edmonton, AB

James Rhodes BSc, LLB, Taxation Lawyers, Kitchener, ON | Jame’s Tax Tips

Carol Sadler CPA, CA, CPA (Illinois, US), TEP, Achen Henderson LLP, Calgary, AB

Chad Saikaley CPA CA TEP, GGFL LLP, Ottawa, ON

Michael Stubbing FCPA, FCA, CFP, TEP, Doane Grant Thornton, Victoria, BC

Susan Tataryn BComm, CPA, CA, LL.B, TEP, ICD.D, Tataryn Law, Ottawa, ON

Brad Taylor CPA, CA, TEP, CFP, Kingston Ross Pasnak LLP, Edmonton, AB

Drew Tetz CPA, CA, Tetz Powell LLP Chartered Professional Accountants, Edmonton, AB

Brody Thomson CPA, CA, Thomson Group Professional Corporation, Grande Prairie, AB

Maureen Vance CPA, CA, Wolters Kluwer CCH, Toronto, ON

Earl Viner LL.B, H.B.A., CEO of Viner R&D Tax Specialists, Burlington, ON | Earl’s Tax Tips

Kim Weir, Kingston Ross Pasnak LLP, Edmonton, AB

Karen Wensley, Waterloo, ON

Kurt Wintermute K.C., MLT Aikins LLP, Saskatoon, SK

Trevor Wolfe, Breshadan Consulting Ltd., Edmonton, AB

Terence Wong CPA, CA, CPA (Illinois), BSc, BCom, Kingston Ross Pasnak LLP, Edmonton, AB | Terence’s Tax Tips

Please note Video Tax News does not research and cannot endorse/guarantee any of the above professionals and their services