New T3 webinar including a brandable client letter! Expanded T3 Reporting Rules: Changes and Traps

Gain insights and practical tips to integrate these changes into your practice.

Join Caitlin Butler CPA, CA, Hugh Neilson FCPA, FCA, TEP and guest speaker tax lawyer Anna Malazhavaya for a dynamic 1.5-hour pre-recorded webinar as they unravel the intricacies of the expanded trust reporting rules.

Discover the trusts affected, navigate information disclosures, and master legislative and administrative nuances to ensure compliance without falling into traps.

Bare trust arrangements will also be demystified with several real-world examples.

Bonus! A brandable letter for distribution to your clients is included with this course. The letter communicates the trust reporting changes with a focus on bare trust arrangements.

These valuable sessions are pre-recorded, and the videos can be viewed at any time during your selected session dates. Enjoy the flexibility to break up the sessions as desired as well as to pause, rewind or skip ahead. You can view these videos as often as required during the session.