
Watch! CECRA Discussion With Tax and Real Estate Lawyers (COVID-19 – Video #22)

Watch! CECRA Discussion With Tax and Real Estate Lawyers with Anna Malazhavaya Tax Lawyer from Advotax Law, Jeff Levy HBSc, MBA, CFA, AMP, JD from Levy Zavet and Joseph R. Devaney CPA, CA.


Recorded May 21, 2020


This video is for general information purposes only and deals with dynamic, time-sensitive and complex matters that may not apply to particular facts and circumstances. The information provided should not be relied upon as a substitute for specialized professional advice in connection with any particular matter. For more information visit videotax.com/disclaimer. ©Video Tax News Inc. 2022, All Rights Reserved.


Watch! COVID-19 shut-down: Audits, Appeals and Tax Court (COVID-19 – Video #21)

Watch! COVID-19 shut-down: Audits, Appeals and Tax Court with Robert A. Neilson and Ashvin R. Singh from Felesky Flynn LLP and Joseph R. Devaney CPA, CA.


Recorded May 15, 2020


This video is for general information purposes only and deals with dynamic, time-sensitive and complex matters that may not apply to particular facts and circumstances. The information provided should not be relied upon as a substitute for specialized professional advice in connection with any particular matter. For more information visit videotax.com/disclaimer. ©Video Tax News Inc. 2020, All Rights Reserved.


Watch! CERB: Voluntarily Quitting (COVID-19 – Video #20)

Watch! CERB: Voluntarily Quitting with Craig Floden ICD.D from Floden Ward LLP and Joseph R. Devaney CPA, CA

Am I eligible for the CERB even if my job is still there but I don’t feel comfortable going to work as a result of risk associated with COVID-19?

For example, what if I have someone at home who has a compromised immune system and I cannot risk infecting them.

The Canada Emergency Response Benefit is available to those who stop working for reasons related to COVID-19, for example:

  • You have lost your job;

  • You are in quarantine or sick due to COVID-19;

  • You are taking care of others because they are in quarantine or sick due to COVID-19; and/or

  • You are taking care of children or other dependents because their care facility is closed due to COVID-19.

There may be other reasons related to COVID-19 beyond these examples why you may have stopped working. However, you cannot voluntarily quit your job.

If you are concerned about the safety of your working conditions, you should discuss the situation with your employer.

Information Extracted from: 

This video is for general information purposes only and deals with dynamic, time-sensitive and complex matters that may not apply to particular facts and circumstances. The information provided should not be relied upon as a substitute for specialized professional advice in connection with any particular matter. For more information visit videotax.com/disclaimer. ©Video Tax News Inc. 2020, All Rights Reserved.

Watch! Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Plans (COVID-19 – Video #19)

Watch! Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Plans with Michael Baker MBA from Qube Investment Management Inc. and Joseph R. Devaney CPA, CA.


Recorded May 12, 2020

This video is for general information purposes only and deals with dynamic, time-sensitive and complex matters that may not apply to particular facts and circumstances. The information provided should not be relied upon as a substitute for specialized professional advice in connection with any particular matter. For more information visit videotax.com/disclaimer. ©Video Tax News Inc. 2020, All Rights Reserved.



Watch! Indirect Tax During COVID-19 (COVID-19 – Video #18)

Watch! Indirect Tax During COVID-19 with David Crawford, Partner, Indirect Tax from RSM Canada and Caitlin L. Butler CPA, CA.


Recorded April 27, 2020

This video is for general information purposes only and deals with dynamic, time-sensitive and complex matters that may not apply to particular facts and circumstances. The information provided should not be relied upon as a substitute for specialized professional advice in connection with any particular matter. For more information visit videotax.com/disclaimer. ©Video Tax News Inc. 2020, All Rights Reserved.